Dreams of flying/ Dans les airs/ Sognare di volare
Les Grandes Personnes / 2024 (French), OnTheMove (Italian)

Crossing the desert on the back of a dog, searching for lost treasures on the bottom of the ocean or flying like superman across the city, Jan von Holleben’s photographs make nostalgic dreams come true. In 2002 Jan started playing photography with the two sons of his neighbours. Inspired by classic childhood books as well as modern superheroes, the boys told him stories, and he made them happen on photographic film with a quick and simple snapshot camera. This became their pastime activities on weekends or on holidays. Soon the neighbour’s friends joined in and the friends of their friends. Over the coming 4 years, a small group of kids from that very village in the South-West of Germany became his project partners. There were plenty of adventures to be told, produced, experienced and subsequently photographed.

At the time, Jan was director of a young cooperative for emerging photographers in London and far from being a photographer himself. Only once an editor saw his ‘Dreams of Flying’ work by chance, and posted it on her blog, the series suddenly took off like a firework. Until today 'Dreams of Flying' won more than 25 prestigious awards, was internationally exhibited and published in magazines and newspapers.
This book celebrates Jan’s original idea, making photo books for kids, which back then, was published as an artist limited edition and soon sold out. It is now available worldwide as DANS LES AIRS by Les Grandes Personnes (French) or as SOGNARE DI VOLARE by OnTheMove (Italian).


Die Blaubeermaschine